Dr Graham Kenny will address the topic “Population Decline: Are You Ready? The impact of no-growth on sustainable strategy.”
He is an internationally recognised expert in strategy and performance measurement. He writes regularly for the Harvard Business Review, has written more than 70 articles for international journals and has authored five books. He is passionate about helping boards, executives and managers lead successful organisations in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
He does this in three ways: 1) Upskilling leaders – through more than 20 years of seminars and workshops on strategy and performance management; by producing world-class materials; and through keynote speaking; 2) Consulting and facilitation – working with leaders to develop their business strategies and performance scorecards; 3) Publishing – through books, articles and manuals.
Graham’s executive experience has been extensive – as a turnaround manager, CEO, Plant Manager, Market Development Manager, Design Engineer and Construction Supervisor.
He has also enjoyed a successful academic career having been a Professor of Management in universities in the US and Canada. He holds PhD and Master Degrees in Management with a first degree in engineering.
Graham is a Foundation Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and a Member of the U.S. Strategic Management Society.
Phone: Sydney (612) 0405 353 606
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.strategicfactors.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gkkenny/
Twitter: @gkkenny
Population Decline: Are You Ready
When the Pope joins with the Prime Minister of Italy in agreeing that Italians need to have more babies as the country’s low birth rate is threatening Italy’s economic future, it’s time to sit up and listen. But Italy isn’t the only country whose birth rate is now below the level required for a population to sustain itself.
Birth rates around the world are in a state of deep decline – in most cases now well below the required replacement rate of 2.1 children per female inhabitant. The U.S. birth rate is 1.64 and falling, likewise the U.K.’s at 1.56 and China’s at 1.28.
And if you thought that this trend isn’t happening in developing countries, think again. Look no further than Muslim Iran with a birth rate of 1.71 and Hindu India at 2.05 – a decline from 6.00 in 60 years.
The point of all this is that many CEOs and business executives seem blithely unaware of the sum of these effects. The result is that their strategic planning usually assumes a world much as they see it today – a globe on an unending growth path. But a de-growth economy is a vastly different prospect as economic models are based on growth and inflation – not decline and deflation.
The prospect of a very different world is worth addressing – now.