Welcome to the conference.

By taking this important step to sign up for the event, you have guaranteed your ticket. You can attend all the live sessions and download the pre-recordings at will, plus you’ll receive all the downloads after the conference is over.

But this is more than a transaction. By making the decision to participate, you have also expressed a commitment to crafting a game-changing strategic plan for your company. This involves taking a stand….an emotional pact to create an unprecedented result in your business.

We don’t take this lightly. As your guides on this journey, our jobs as hosts, presenters, panellists and interviewees is to help you make tangible progress.

You have already started and so have we.

Here are some initial steps to take.

  1. Whitelist the email address – [email protected]. This will prevent our messages from ending up in your spam folder, or someplace else you don’t visit often.
  2. Join the conference chat on Volley which officially opens on June 15th.
  3. Click here for your Blueprint – make a copy on Google Drive (or download it).

These are some simple steps to get you started on this important journey.

Rest assured, creating a game-changing strategic plan is no easy challenge, but our job is to get you to your destination as easily as possible.

One More Thing…An Update

Your conference has started! Click on the link here or below to get going.

Francis Wade

