The Long-Term Strategy Conference is a two-day virtual confab held from Thursday June 20 to Friday June 21, 2024.
You are someone who thinks about long-term results. Whether you are a business executive, owner, consultant or activist, you realize at some level that short-term thinking in both for-profit and non-for-profit worlds is limited. Even if it’s true that most organizations only bother with short-term thinking, you sense this is a mistake.
But how do you convert such an insight into practical action…long-term strategic planning? While you may be convinced about the need to create sustainable, long-term value, you face considerable obstacles in today’s world.
For example, your for-profit board may not buy into the idea that you need more than a three or five-year plan. Same goes for your colleagues in the C-Suite. They were raised (and promoted) on short-term results.
Or if you work for a non-profit, people may already be sold on the idea of setting Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs). Having aspirational targets is important, but not even the UN set long-term strategic plans when it crafted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs.) Folks around you want to believe that “if you build big goals…the results will come.”
But you have your doubts.
In the worst cases, you may be the only person in your C-Suite, consultancy, NGO or government who believes that long-term strategic planning is worth the investment of time, effort and energy.
But to be successful, you need more than intuition. Or courage. Or even inspiration. These are essential.
You also need concrete advice, a dash of theory, new technology like Ai, advice on how to persuade others, and ways to stay on track even as you fight for something you know is right.
The Long-Term Strategic Planning Conference 2024 is a unique place to address these needs. Register today, and you’ll start exploring the ideas our presenters will be sharing from around the world.
Some will be quite practical, dealing with the mechanics of creating interwoven short/long-term strategic plans which run for 10, 50 and even 100 years. These aren’t pies in the sky , they connect immediate action to long-term outcomes in ways which are simply not taught in any graduate school.
Other ideas will teach you how to manage your motivation as a leader. In this world, long-term thinking makes you a Lone Ranger of sorts. As such, the satisfaction you realize won’t be immediate…and you must learn to be resilient i.e. tough for the long-term.
Finally, you will learn how to lead others on a journey to long-term thinking. This can’t be done alone, and becomes stronger when you engage other leaders in whatever organization you belong to, or consult with.
Don’t miss this unique chance to expand your knowledge and walk away with next steps to implement immediately.
Register here by claiming a Free Pass, or by upgrading to a Full Ticket. We welcome your participation, and applaud your willingness to make the world a better place, one organization at a time.
Francis Wade
Host / Instigator