Most of the big thinkers in strategic planning don’t live in the Caribbean. You use their ideas, read the Harvard Business Review and admire their thinking but what they tell you isn’t suited for our region. With different cultures, you have to translate their recommendations into workable steps.

Until now.

Our conference focuses on empowering regional companies. Why?

As you may know, we want you to leave the event a) being inspired and b) following practical steps to complete a breakthrough strategy.

You have probably seen your share of foreign ideas fall flat when attempted in a local context. And you don’t want to repeat these failures because you believe that both these objectives are highly dependent on people…our Caribbean people.

But how can you make sure that you keep standards of thought and action as high as possible, while you adapt them to your local conditions?

There’s no easy 1-2-3 answer to this question, but we’ll be delving into them in depth at the conference.

With a combination of local experts in strategic planning, outside software developers, global thought leaders and leaders from Caribbean companies we hope to achieve something extraordinary. We’re using tools like Airmeet and Volley which do far more than Zoom – they allow connections to be created, and fostered in real-time.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to benefit yourself and your company.

Register today using this link.