Caribbean StrategyProductivity – A New Linkedin Newsletter

You’re looking for a regular source of provocative ideas on strategic thinking for Caribbean companies. The success of your company depends on it, but it’s not as if you can import foreign thinking and expect it to work. And, few regional executives spend time to share their innermost thoughts, especially if they have a company to run.

However, people tell me that my column in the Sunday Business Gleaner inspires them, and offers practical advice. But the bi-weekly schedule means that it takes some diligence to figure out when a recent article is posted. And if you’re from a different country altogether, it gets even harder.

To fix this recurring issue, I decided to offer a Linkedin newsletter.

Each week or two, you get a link to my most recent Gleaner article in multiple formats: written, audio or podcast. It all happens on Linkedin, so you must have an account in order to be a subscriber.

And by the way, there’s no cost – it’s all complimentary.

Join the 1500+ subscribers who are already receiving their new ideas on strategic planning here.

Here are a few articles you can find by following the above link, which is also connected to my archive of articles from over a decade of writing.
