Your company has once again begun to look to the future. It’s shaken off the post-COVID blues and must now position itself in its industry with a fresh strategy. But all of your executives are not convinced that hard choices must be Read More
How can we create clarity out of the chaos of ESG? You need to implement a sustainable strategy, something that will work long-term with ESG and achieve environmental, social and governance goals. How can you do this? Find out on next weeks Read More
You are surrounded by people who believe that organizations don’t need long-term strategic plans. Where? On your board. Your management team. Your office. Your client’s RFP’s. Linkedin. But you’re not so sure. However, some doubts have crept in, causing you to question Read More
As a leader, you need to provide your organisation with a clear path for the future. But you also hate changing direction in mid-stream. Some say you shouldn’t bother to make any long-term plans in the first place, but is that the Read More
You may have heard of Dr. Richard Rumelt. Or maybe you have heard of his breakthrough idea that at the heart of every great strategy is a crux that was identified and targeted by the strategist who came up with it. But Read More