Dr. Mythili Kolluru explores transitioning from the VUCA to the BANI construct in this article. Understanding the BANI construct will enable leaders to enter a new era of the business climate.
You are surrounded by people who believe that organizations don’t need long-term strategic plans. Where? On your board. Your management team. Your office. Your client’s RFP’s. Linkedin. But you’re not so sure. However, some doubts have crept in, causing you to question Read More
You may have heard of Dr. Richard Rumelt. Or maybe you have heard of his breakthrough idea that at the heart of every great strategy is a crux that was identified and targeted by the strategist who came up with it. But Read More
OK, your executives are nervous. Since COVID, one bad piece of news after another has led them to become expert fire-fighters. As the recession, supply-chain problems, inflation and armed conflict add up they have only focused on the organization’s survival. Period. But Read More
You’re looking for a regular source of provocative ideas on strategic thinking for Caribbean companies. The success of your company depends on it, but it’s not as if you can import foreign thinking and expect it to work. And, few regional executives spend time to share their innermost thoughts, especially if they have a company to run.