This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit You’re someone who is looking ahead to your next strategic plan. Why? You’re looking at the process, the activities that go into it, and the final outcome. And Read More
Have you ever left a strategic planning retreat feeling invigorated, only to find that the excitement fizzles out? Despite the initial enthusiasm and belief in the positive change that was about to ensue, weeks later, the essence of those profound discussions becomes Read More
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit
You are someone who is aware of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) announced in 2015 by the United Nations. Their value is not in question – they are objectives the entire world hopes to realize. But recently, Secretary General Antonio Guterres Read More
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit You have read the “Problem with the SDG Goals” article written on this website, and picked up on the idea that having too many over-the-top Big Hairy Audacious Read More
The article is available as a written newsletter on the JumpLeap Newsletter. You have heard of CSRD (the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), at least in passing. As a new reporting requirement, it calls for your company to submit annual non-financial information, starting Read More
You have heard of CSRD (the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), at least in passing. As a new reporting requirement, it calls for your company to submit annual non-financial information, starting in just a few years’ time. As someone who cares about long-term Read More
The world is changing fast, and “winning” in business may already be a fool’s errand. You are a company leader who has risen through the ranks. You enjoy the competitive side of running an organization. Why? There are obvious winners and losers Read More
This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit
You have heard of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or its acronym, CSRD. You know that it has something to do with the EU which means that you haven’t paid it much attention. It’s far away. However, this could be a mistake. Read More