Long-Term strategic planning si near-to-impossible without backcasting. But most people have never heard of the technique and why it works so well. Here’s a short primer, courtesy of Alex at the Sustainability illustrated YouTube Channel.
Almost all corporate plans cover the next five years. However, many companies go not a single month further. In other words, they survive on one five-year plan after another. If you have ever questioned the wisdom of this practice, keep reading. Your Read More
You may have noticed…there is a relationship between setting big, important goals and the time they require. In other words, we all know that in the short-term, it’s unlikely that a company can disrupt an industry.
But what exactly does “long-term” mean? How should a company plan?
Have you ever been stuck in a strategic planning session, complaining to yourself: “This is nothing more than a continuation of old, tired thoughts?” You need to intervene and somehow shift the level of thinking. But you don’t know what to say, Read More